Deutsch (Deutschland)

In our fourth newsletter, we are happy to report the results of our successful collective efforts. eDialogue project worked on different results in order to achieve the main goals of the project. During the lifetime and development of the project, partners worked on the following results:

R1: eDialogue Training Package for Educators

The aim of this output is to develop a training package consisting of six “Dialogue Blocks” to be used by secondary school teachers, offering resources and methodologies to help them improve their digital skills and support them to effectively use open dialogue techniques to enhance social inclusion among students.

It also includes an Educators’ Toolkit outlining the methodology developed and providing extended guidance on all six dialogue building blocks.

Download the blocks.

R2: E-learning Platform & Open Educational Resources

R3: Collection of Activities for Young Learners

The aim of this result is to support teachers to incorporate digital tools in their lessons and foster the learning experience for students. Most importantly, it provides teachers a step-by-step guide, accompanied by relevant advice and tips, to facilitate open and interactive discussions. A total of 35 Lesson Plans are developed. The Collection of Activities for Young Learners are used by secondary school teachers engaging students in social inclusion, discrimination, segregation and racism, bullying and cyberbullying, radicalization, and fake news and online misinformation. 

R4: EU Policy Recommendations Guide-“It’s time to speak up”

The guide is produced in English and consists of four sections: good examples of implementations from each partner country; successes and challenges; recommendations for practitioners; recommendations for policymakers. Additionally, the project team organized a focus group in each country. The guide summarizes outcomes and lessons learnt throughout its activities. 

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